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The Memento Wiki

Jump to the draft Home page UNDER DEVELOPMENT. NOT YET WORKING!

This wiki is a living document (or set of documents) and as such is always under development and is nevertheless always working; we are always doing the best we can with what we've got and making the most of it. If we know we need information, though we don't have it or haven't written it yet, it will just stop, with red links indicating pages yet to be written. You may also encounter pages that display an "UNDER DEVELOPMENT" note. We recommend you wait (from a few days to a few months, and (to be honest) occasionally a few years until the message goes away before reading, as it will likely be erroneous.

While most aspects of Memento are common between the Mobile and Desktop editions, this wiki (generally) contains only information about the Mobile edition of Memento. Each page shows at the top of the page the version of the Mobile edition current as of the most recent change to the page. It also shows the version number of the Desktop edition current as of that date. Note the Help accessible within the app and from Help on the Web site. Memento Help contains assistance for both the Mobile and Desktop editions.

An index to the pages of the wiki may be accessed via the following Index in the form of a table containing links to Wiki pages grouped vertically by topic and horizontally by the columns of Overviews, Specifications, Techniques, Tips, How, & Tutorials. Use the Index & wiki links throughout the wiki to navigate around among the pages of the wiki.

Where do I start with Memento?

To start at the beginning, read the Memento Overview.
Read Library Overview about Memento's primary data structure.
The Field Overview will get you started on the elements of data structure within libraries. Then, read in the Index, using Overviews as needed, and Articles, Tips, How-to, and Techniques to learn whether you need it. Use specifications to look up Memento components as needed.

Where do I go to learn how to use JavaScript to do more advanced things in Memento?

Advanced users, use the Index below to navigate in Memento.


The wiki is continually under development, so stay tuned for more articles about Memento and its use.

See what's new in Memento.

See Whats New in the Memento Wiki.

Read more about this wiki.

Most recently added pages: Dynamic List field, Tags field

Most recently updated pages: Whats New in the Memento Wiki, About:Bill's mementos, About:Bill's tutorials, About:Bill's examples,

Within Specifications (or Specs), begin with User Interface for descriptions of screens, cards, menus, buttons, dialogs, etc.

Field is the best specification page for starting out with fields. Field Type is one of the most popular spec pages.

Wiki mementos, tutorials, examples, etc -- Bill's Memento Wiki World

See About:Bill's mementos & About:Bill's tutorials (under development) for periodic mementos — a wiki-based blog by Bill Crews on the use of Memento Database — Bill's swan song, if you will. Mementos will be of various types:

Magazine-style articles on topics related to use of Memento Database
Articles illustrating brief but useful ways in Memento Database to accomplish something
Articles referencing & introducing tutorials on uses of Memento, detailing & sequencing processes to accomplish things in Memento Database, often regarding the design & linking of libraries or employment of JavaScript to provide advanced capabilities to Memento Database and likely others. The tutorials are stored in the wiki.
examples of the use of Memento and its customization via scripting.

Navigation index

Topics Overviews Specs About
Memento Database Memento Database

Memento Wiki
Useful links

User Interface How:Getting Started

About:Bill's mementos
About:Bill's tutorials
About:Bill's examples
How:Simple To Do List
Tutorial:Simple To Do List Enhancements
About:Color codes
CaseStudy:Designing Memento databases:Photographic equipment

& templates

Library Template

Libraries List screen

Library Edit screen
Library Groups
Library Protection

How:Add a Library
Fields, pages,
& subheaders

Field Edit card
Field Role
Field Type

Text fields

Rich text (HTML)
Phone number
Email address

Numeric fields

Integer values
Real number

Choice fields

Single-choice list
Radio buttons
Multiple-choice list
Dynamic List

Calculated expression fields


Date fields


Time fields


Linking fields

Link to entry
Link to file

Media fields


Miscellaneous fields


Special content fields
Audio field
Barcode field
Contact field
Location field
Rich Text field
Signature field
Field Dependencies

Using JavaScript in Memento

& entry lists

Data analysis

Entry View card

Entry Edit card
Libraries List screen
Entries List screen

How:Access a Previous Entry

How:Slice & Dice Library Data

Displays in the Memento mobile edition Screens & cards Libraries List screen

Library Edit screen
Entries List screen
Entry Edit card
Entry View card
File Manager card
Attached Files card
Charting data

Displays in the Memento desktop edition Windows & panes
Linking Calculation field

Link To Entry field
Link To File field

Data Analysis (Slicing & dicing)
(Sorting, grouping, filtering, aggregation, & charting)
Slicing & Dicing


Entries List screen

Charting data

How:Slice & Dice Library Data
Scripting, Calculation,
& App Integration
Scripting Calculation field

JavaScript field
Memento JavaScript Library
Data Sources

Tasker Integration

Trigger Examples
How:Write scripts in JavaScript for Memento
Tips:Using JavaScript in Memento

& settings
Memento Settings
Import, export,
backup, restore
Backup & Restore Importing and exporting data

Formatting Templates screen

Tips:File Attachments
Cloud, platforms,
& collaboration

Cloud storage and Teamwork

Cloud Library Status card
Security Privacy Policy

Library Protection

Products Memento Clients

Private Server
Team for Business

Tips:Team for Business

Jump to the index

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Other assistance

Unlike before the wiki, nowadays the Memento app has some Help within the app, developed by LuckyDroid. You can access it right next to where you access the wiki. The Help is oriented less for Power Users than the wiki and more for general users and beginners.

Previous, obsolete documentation (erroneous & misleading)

Previous Memento documentation has been subsumed within the wiki. It is listed here for reference, but its content has not been updated in quite a while and is not likely to be updated going forward.

Its content is now obsolete.

The Memento Database Desktop Edition

Please be aware that this section is currently under development.

Core functions of Memento Database are available not only from the mobile app but from the Desktop Edition for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The libraries created in Desktop Edition are synced via Memento Cloud and so are available on all devices you use.


The Memento Database Desktop edition is a perfect compliment to the Mobile edition. I started with the mobile app and have never looked back. With now over 25 libraries created I can store, manipulate, and manage my personal and small business data in real time, by using either edition.

This section is dedicated to the Desktop edition; however, when appropriate we will identify Desktop features that are different and/or not available in the Mobile edition.

Desktop Edition Welcome Page

Once you launch Memento Database Desktop, you get access to all libraries created from your account and the ones shared with you.

The Welcome page helps you choose where to start:

New Library- create a new Library from scratch and adjust each and every field manually.
Recent- manage libraries already created
Help - find answers to your questions on "Getting Started, Setting up Libraries, Working with data, Reports, Teamwork.

Main window interface

All features of Memento Database Desktop version are available from the main window. It consists of these logical parts:

Title bar - located at the top of the window. Your version of Memento Database and user name is displayed on the left. To the right you will find the familiar minimize, maximize, and close buttons
Menu bar - appears as text directly below the Title bar. Here one can choose “File”, “Account”, and “Help”. Selecting one of these items presents an additional drop down menu of additional commands and information.
Sidebar - appears on the left side of the screen. Here one can navigate through the My libraries folder and the Shared with me folder. Perform a search for entries in a specific library and/or all libraries. Perform a search and download a Catalog template.
Status bar - located in the bottom left corner of the screen shows the notifications about Memento Database cloud usage. For example 127 MB (0%) of 20GB.
Workspace - the workspace is all the area inside the window to the right of the Sidebar. The workspace changes depending on your selection in the Sidebar.

Customizing the window interface

There are two options to customize Memento’s window interface. Bootstrap theme or Classic theme. To choose your theme, select “Help” from the Menu bar, scroll down to “Theme”.

Bootstrap Theme
Classic Theme

Desktop Navigation Index

Topics Overviews Specs Guidance
Navigating the menus

Main Window menu bar
Library Window menu bar

Setting up Libraries

What is Library?
Library Structure
Relationships in a Library

Creating a new library

Working with data

Creating an entry
Managing data
Rearranging data
Filtering data
Grouping data



Table Report
Forms Report
Jasper Report


Shared Libraries