
« Page as of 2022-03-15, editions Mobile 4.10.4, Desktop 1.10.1 »

The English language category of Memento Database Wiki pages

This is the English (En) category of the Memento Wiki. It should probably be the Lang-en category, but En is the way Bill did it, and now too many pages would have to be edited to change it, so it is En (until/unless somebody other than Bill decides to expend the effort to change it.

These pages constitute the English language version of the Memento Database Wiki. As of 2022-03-15, I have also created a category. Let the En category be the exception (until/unless it is changed to Lang.en by someone other than Bill), with the rest all being Lang.xx, where xx represents the language to be added.

How language categories are used The expectation is that such categories will uniquely identify the language being used. That might help a reader visually, but it might serve in the future as a key to use in a script to accomplish something to the entire wiki of a language, such as to cut it, copy it, delete it, or edit it in some way -- probably in a way that is language-specific.


This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.


  • UX(empty)


Pages in category "En"

The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total.