Real number field

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Revision as of 14:54, 30 March 2021 by UnConnoisseur (talk | contribs)
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« Page as of 2016-10-10, editions Mobile 4.0.0, Desktop 1.0.5 »

A Real number field may contain any rational value that can be represented by the platform OS. Real numbers can participate in numeric expressions, calculations, and functions.

Real values are displayed and exported using a decimal point determined based on locale.

Textual, case-insensitive field identifier that can include spaces; it's best to avoid characters that can be used as operators, though (standard across all field types)
Textual, case-insensitive field identifier that can include spaces

Advanced Parameters

Default Value
By default, there is no default value. If a default value is specified, it becomes the default for when an entry is created
Add a calculator button to assist during entry/edit
Thousands separators
Display value with spaces (or platform locale-based setting?) inserted to signify thousands
Unit of measure (Mobile release 4+ only)
Maintain the unit of measure. Prompt the user during entry/edit for the unit of measure, including conversion between units of measure. Indicate the unit of measure in the display of values.
Make entry of a value mandatory before saving an entry
Data validation
The value of a field may be validated against user-specified criteria. If the validation fails, an error message is displayed on the screen by the field, and the user must take action to resolve the situation before saving the entry.

Display Options

Display in the list as
Select among the following roles for the current field in the entries list:
  • As a Regular field
  • As an Entry Name
  • As an Entry Description
  • As an Entry Status
Use in calendar as
Define field's use vis-a-vis the calendar
  • None
  • Duration in minutes
  • Duration in hours
The field name
Display the name of the field in the card entry (By default, On). By this, it is meant that the field name will or will not be displayed on either the Entry View card or the Entry Edit card.
Choices are:
  • Family: Regular, Light, Condensed, Thin, Medium. By default, Regular.
  • Style: Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic. By default, Normal.
  • Size: By default, 18. Direct entry to change.
  • Color: By default, White. Palette of 20 colors, backed up by a continuously variable color chooser.
Ability to add one or more visibility dependencies upon fields with qualifying types.