Currency field

Revision as of 00:22, 29 August 2016 by UnConnoisseur (talk | contribs)
« as of 2016-08-29, editions Mobile 3.9.7, Desktop 1.0.3 »

A Currency field may contain any currency value among over 100 currencies. Currency is selected from a list.

For import & export, a real value is used.

Name and Hint

Standard across all field types.

Advanced Parameters

Select from single-choice list. Default depends on current locale.
Add a calculator button to assist during entry/edit
Thousands separators
Display value with spaces (or platform locale-based setting?) inserted to signify thousands
Make entry of a value mandatory before saving an entry

Display Options

Display in the list as
Select among the following roles for the current field:
  • As a Regular field
  • As an Entry Name
  • As an Entry Description
  • As an Entry Status
Display field name in Entry Edit Card?
By default, yes.
Choices are:
  • Family: Regular, Light, Condensed, Thin, Medium. By default, Regular.
  • Style: Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic. By default, Normal.
  • Size: By default, 18. Direct entry to change.
  • Color: By default, White. Palette of 20 colors, backed up by a continuously variable color chooser.
Ability to add one or more visibility dependencies upon fields with qualifying types.