Checkboxes field

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Revision as of 18:54, 25 August 2016 by UnConnoisseur (talk | contribs)
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« as of 2016-08-25, editions Mobile 3.9.7, Desktop 1.0.3 »

A Checkboxes library field is an ordered set of text strings from which a user might select any or all. A Checkboxes entry field contains either an empty string or a concatenated, comma-separated string values chosen from this list.

The value of a Checkboxes field may be used as a dependency to determine visibility of other fields during entry creation and edit.

During import or sync with Google, if a value is found that is not in the list, it will be created.

During import, export, or sync with Google Sheets, the list is externalized by concatenation using a comma separator (", ").

Name and Hint

Standard across all field types.

Advanced Parameters

Where you can edit
Unlike most field types, Checkboxes fields can be displayed and edited (changed, checked/unchecked) in the list directly, though by default, a field will be displayed in the Entry View and Entry Edit cards and may be edited in the Entry Edit Card.
Make entry of a value mandatory before saving an entry

Display Options

Display in the list as
Select among the following roles for the current field:
  • As a Regular field
  • As an Entry Name
  • As an Entry Description
  • As an Entry Status
Display field name in Entry Edit Card?
By default, yes.
Choices are:
  • Family: Regular, Light, Condensed, Thin, Medium. By default, Regular.
  • Style: Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic. By default, Normal.
  • Size: By default, 18. Direct entry to change.
  • Color: By default, White. Palette of 20 colors, backed up by a continuously variable color chooser.
Ability to add one or more visibility dependencies upon fields with qualifying types.