Triggers: Difference between revisions

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Line 102: Line 102:
: Get the entry of the Event. For example, if script is triggered by an Update Entry event, this function will return the entry being updated.
: Get the entry of the Event. For example, if script is triggered by an Update Entry event, this function will return the entry being updated.
: This function is available to all Events and Phases, with the exception of "Creating a file > Opening an Entry Edit card for add"; for this action, use the function entryDefault().
: This function is available to all Events and Phases, with the exception of '''Creating a file''' > '''Opening an Entry Edit card for add'''; for this action, use the function ''entryDefault()''.

:; Result: [[#Object entry|'''Entry object''']] — the current entry
:; Result: [[#Object entry|'''Entry object''']] — the current entry

Revision as of 22:27, 7 October 2016

« Page as of 2016-10-06, editions Mobile 4.0.0, Desktop 1.0.5 »

A Trigger is a script that defines the processing of an entry based on an event that is takimg place. Trigger scripts are written in JavaScript. When a trigger script is executed, it may perform actions like changing an existing entry, creating a new entry, executing an http request, creating a file, performing data validation, etc.


So, we define the following terms:

Event type
One of the following:
  • Creating an entry
  • Updating an entry
  • Deleting an entry
  • Opening an Entry Edit card
  • Adding an entry to Favorites
  • Removing an entry from Favorites
Phase of an Event
One of a predefined set of moments during entry processing during which the user can intervene via a trigger script. See the table of events and phases below.
The Event type and the Phase determine the trigger script to be run.
Trigger or Trigger Script
A script that may be defined to run when an event occurs for an entry
The trigger (Event type & Phase) and the corresponding trigger script are one-to-one.
When referring specifically to the script, it is called the trigger script. When referring to the Event type & Phase and its listing in the trigger list, it is referred to merely as a trigger.

Mode of script execution

The phase in which the trigger is activated defines its mode of execution — synchronous or asynchronous.

Synchronous script execution mode
The application suspends user interaction and then executes the script. Time-consuming operations are not recommended in this mode.
Asynchronous script execution mode
The script runs in the background; user interaction is not suspended. Usually, asynchronous scripts are used in the last phases of the action.

Creating a trigger

Each library can have a number of triggers — up to one for each Event type & Phase. To see the list of triggers, open the library, open the menu, and then select Triggers.

To create a trigger, press the 3-dot icon in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the Action Menu; then press Triggers to open the list of existing triggers; then click +. You must then identify the Event type & Phase and write a trigger script that performs the necessary actions.


These are the defined Event types, Phases, and their corresponding modes of execution.

Event type Phase Execution mode
Creating an entry Opening an Entry Edit card to Add synchronous
Before saving the entry synchronous
After saving the entry asynchronous
Updating an entry Opening an Entry Edit card to Update synchronous
Before saving the entry synchronous
After saving the entry asynchronous
Deleting an entry Before deleting an entry synchronous
After deleting an entry asynchronous
Opening an Entry View card Before window display synchronous
After window display asynchronous
Adding entries to Favorites Before the operation synchronous
After the operation asynchronous
Deleting an entry from Favorites Before the operation synchronous
After the operation asynchronous


Since the scripts have access to more actions than a user does, they require additional permissions.

The user must define these permissions manually for each library.

To open the dialog to set permissions for scripts, open the library triggers list and click Shield on the toolbar. Permissions must be set separately on each device. Permissions are not synchronized between devices.

Permissions for scripts

Library permission
determines which other libraries can be affected by the script. You can grant access to all libraries or select only certain libraries. This authorization is required for the libByName() function.
Read permission
grants the script read access to a file
Write permission
grants the script write access to a file
grants to the script the right to execute HTTP requests

Libraries and Entries

Library Global Functions


Get the entry of the Event. For example, if script is triggered by an Update Entry event, this function will return the entry being updated.
This function is available to all Events and Phases, with the exception of Creating a file > Opening an Entry Edit card for add; for this action, use the function entryDefault().
Entry object — the current entry


Get the Entry object containing the default field values for the Entry not yet created. This feature is available for the Event Creating an entry > Opening an Entry Edit card.
The DefaultEntry object


Get the library of the Event
Library object — the current library


Find the library by name. Permission to use the library is required, based on security settings.
The name of the library to find
Library object — the library identified by the argument name

Object Library

This object provides access to library entries. You can work with the current library — the lib() — or any other library in the database — libByName(). This function provides the ability to update existing entries and create new ones.

Library Methods

Get all the entries of the library
Array object containing entries, sorted by the time of their creation, from newest to oldest
Search field values within entries in the library matching the given query. This search is similar to searching via Memento's user interface.
query — the search string
Array object containing matching entries. Entries are sorted by the time of their creation, from newest to oldest.
Search all entries by the Entry Name. The library must be set for unique Entry Names.
name — the Entry Name field value
Entry object
Create a new entry in the library
valuesObject containing the field values
Entry object — the new entry in the library


Title — The name of the library

Object Entry

This object holds an entry of the current library, allowing the setting of field values

Entry Methods

set(name, value)
Set the value of the named field. Calling this method results in immediate writing of the value to the library.
name — name of the field
value — the value of the field
Get the value of the named field
name — name of the field
The value of the field. The type of the result depends on the type of the field.

Entry Properties

Title — entry name
Description — entry description
Favorites — true, if the entry is in Favorites
Deleted — true, if the record is deleted (it is in the Recycle Bin)

Object DefaultEntry

Template with default values for a new entry

DefaultEntry Methods

set(name, value)
Set the value of the field
name — the name of the field
value — the value of the field

Libraries Examples

Data Validation

Using scripts, you can check the correctness of input data. For example, perhaps a field integer values ​​are allowed only from 0 to 200.

var num = entry().field("Number"); // Get value of field Number
if (num < 0 || num > 200) {       // Test for value matching allowable range
 message("Wrong range");          // If value is outside range, display message
 cancel();                        // Cancel the operation

This script should be used for the Event Creating an entry or Updating an entry in the Phase Before saving the entry. It will run synchronously.

Set default values

If default values cannot be set in normal fashion, it can be done using a script.

Previous value of another field

Suppose there is a library containing daily mileage of daily walks or use of a car or bicycle. Suppose the library has a StartingMileage field and a Mileage field. When an entry is created, the field StartMileage must get data from the field Mileage in the previous entry.

var entries = lib().entries();                  // Get current library & array of its entries
if (entries.length > 0) {                       // Check that array is not empty;
                                                // otherwise exit,
                                                // since there is no previous entry.
prevMileage = entries[0].field("Mileage");      // The array is sorted newest to oldest,
                                                // so newest entry in the array
                                                // on top with index of 0.
entryDefault().set("StartMileage",prevMileage); // Set value of field Mileage
                                                // from the previous entry
                                                // as default value for field StartMileage.

The script must be set for Event Creating an entry Phase Open the Entry Edit card for Add. It will run synchronously.

Beginning of the next day

Suppose you need to identify the beginning of a new day in the DateTime field. (The script requires connection of the JavaScript library moment.js moment.js.)

var m = moment().add(1,'d'); // Using the moment.js library function moment(),
                             // get the current time and add 1 day
m.hour(8).minute(0);         // Set the time to hour 8 and minute 0
    m.toDate().getTime());   // Use that as the default value for the field Date

The script must be set for Event Creating an entry and Phase Opening an Entry Edit card for Add. It will run synchronously.

Working with files

With scripts, you can read or write files located in the device's internal memory or on the SD card. All file operations are performed by the File object, which is obtained via a global function called file().

To work with the files, the library should have read/write file access.

File Global Functions


Open a file for read or write operations. If the file with the specified name does not exist yet, it will be created.

name — The name and the full path to the file. For example, if the file is located on the SD card, the path should be something like /sdcard/example.txt.
File object

Object File

This object is returned by the global function file() and provides access to the requested file. After reading or writing, the file should be closed using the method close().

File Methods

Reads all lines of the file, and then closes the file
Array containing the lines of the file
Reads the next line from the file stream
The line
Reads the remaining lines from the file stream
Array containing the remaining lines of the file
Reads the next character from the file stream
The character
Write string(s). Take a variable number of arguments, converts each argument to a string, and writes that string to the file stream.
Write strings and a newline to the file stream
Close the file. It can subsequently be reopened.


true - if and only if the file exists; false otherwise
The length, in bytes, of the file, or 0L if the file does not exist.
Get the current line number
The line number, or position, in the file

Files Examples

Writing & reading from a file

f = file("/sdcard/myfile.txt"); // Open the myfile.txt file on the SD card. If the file does not exist,
                                // it will be created.
f.writeLine("one");             // Write the string "one" as a line to the file
f.close();                      // Close the file, saving the data to the file. Until the file is closed,
                                // the disk file is still empty.
var a = f.readLines();          // Read all lines of the file into the array a

Save an entry to a file in XML format

The entry includes fields: id , title , date.

var xml = '<record id="' + entry().field("id") + '">' +  // Format XML record from the entry field values
'<title>' + entry().field("title") + '</title>' +
'<date>' + entry().field("date") + '</date>' +
f = file("/sdcard/" + entry().field("title") + ".xml");  // Open file with same name as Entry Name
f.write(xml);                                            // Save XML data into the file
f.close();                                               // Close the file

Processing an HTTP request

Scripts can send HTTP requests to Web services through their APIs. Processing for HTTP requests allows integration between Memento and the system. All file operations use the Http object, which works through global function http().

HTTP requests must fulfill two requirements:

  1. Script execution should be asynchronous, because processing of the request on the network can take a long time — HTTP requests of the last Phase of an Event.
  2. The library should have the permission Network.

Object Http

Interface for processing HTTP requests

Http Methods

Execute HTTP get request
Argument: url — HTTP address, starting with http or https
Result: HttpResult — Object containing the result of the execution of the HTTP request.

Object HttpResult

Result of the execution of the HTTP request


code — HTTP code of the response, if the request is successful (usually 200).
body — The response in text form

Http Examples

Currency Conversion

Suppose the library contains two fields: PriceUSD and PriceEUR. The user will enter the value in PriceUSD and the value in Euros will appear in PriceEUR according to the current exchange rate.

We will create a Trigger on Event Create an entry to Add and Phase After saving the entry.

result = http().get(""); // Use for
                                                            // conversion rate in JSON
usdToEur = JSON.parse(result.body)["rates"]["Eur"];         // Use JavaScript object JSON
                                                            // to parse the result
    entry().field( "PriceUSD") * usdToEur );                // PriceUSD * conversion rate
                                                            // for value for PriceEUR

Creating a Task in the Todoist App

Todoist — A Web service and mobile app for task management. Todoist allows task creation via API [1]. In the following example of task creation, text will be taken from the Memento library entry.

// Create a JSON command for Todoist task creation
//     using the format described in [].
// This command should include a unique identifier
//     created using the guid() global function.
var commands='[{"uuid":"' + guid() + '","temp_id":"' + guid() +
    '","type":"item_add","args":{"content":"' + entry().field("Task") + '"}}]';

// Execute the HTTP request. An attribute called '''token''' is used
//     for authorization in Todoist.
// It is available in the Todoist Account setting.
// Since the text of the task can include symbols
//     not allowed in a URL request,
//     use the standard function encodeURIComponent() to filter them out.
result = http().get("аff817af0b14112eac3176f9dc&commands=" +

// Show the user a message indicating successful creation of the task.
if (result.code == 200) message('Task has been successfully created");

Interaction with the System

System Global Functions


Shows the user a brief notification
Argument: text — Text of the notification


Stop the system operation that caused the event. Many triggers can be a result of an entry manipulation (create, update, delete, etc). The cancel() function can be used during the phases that precede the system operation. For example, this function can be used during data validation before the entry is saved.


Obtain information about the system
Result — System object


Write a line to the log file
Argument — Text - text to be written to the log


Generates random text identifier
Result — Random string identifier


Create an information exchange object — Intent. This function can send a request for action to another application.
This function is available only on Android.
Argument: action — Line that defines standard action (eg, view, pick)
Result: Intent — Information exchange object
After the object is received, the data will be added to it, and then sent via send().
Android has many built-in actions. A list of these actions can be found at here.

Object System

This object contains information about the system.


Name of the operating system executing the script

Object Intent

Information exchange object. This object is created by using the global function intent().

Intent Methods

Define URI to reference the data
uri — URI referencing data to which the action will be applied. It can be contact ID, path to the file, phone number, etc.
Define MIME type of the data
mime — MIME type of the data on which the operation will be performed
extra(key, value)
Define additional data as key-value pairs, as necessary for execution of the required action. Similar to how URI data can be required for certain actions, other actions may require extra data in this format.
key and value
extraLong(key, value)
Define additional data as key-value pairs, where data type needs to be Long
key and value
Send a message

System Examples

Script to open a screen for dialing a number

Suppose a library contains a field called Phone containing a phone number.

i = intent("android.intent.action.DIAL"); // Create information exchange object Intent
                                          // with the action of DIAL"tel:"+entry().field("Phone"));    // The data will be the phone number obtained
                                          // from the field Phone
i.send();                                 // Send the message

Script to open app to send SMS message

The phone number will be obtained from the field Phone and the text of the message will be obtained from the fields ContactName and Notes.

msg = "Dear, " +
    entry().field("ContactName") +
    "\n" + entry().field("Notes");          // Form the message from ContactName & Notes
i = intent("android.intent.action.SENDTO"); // Create intent object to open the app for sending"smsto:"+entry().field("Phone"));    // Provide the phone number in format smsto:number
i.extra("sms_body" , msg);                  // Insert the text of the message to sms_body
i.send();                                   // Send the message

Script to insert an appointment into Google Calendar

Suppose a library contains the time and name of an appointment.

i = intent("android.intent.action.INSERT");       // Create Intent object"content://");  // Data contains Google Calendar URI
i.extra("title", entry().field("Title"));         // Get event name from field Title
    entry().field("Description"));                // Get description from field Description
    entry().field("Begin").getTime());            // Get start time from field Begin
                                                  // Begin is of type DateTime
                                                  // Additional parameter is of type Long,
                                                  // so extraLong() is used for conversion.
    entry().field("End").getTime());              // Get end time from the field End
                                                  // Requires same conversion as above
i.send();                                         // Send the message

JavaScript links

JavaScript Tutorial A pleasant, fairly complete, and useful tutorial on JavaScript
Best on a computer or tablet in landscape. On a phone or tablet in portrait, scroll to the bottom for navigation.
Mozilla Developer Network
JavaScript Guide Shows you how to use JavaScript, gives an overview of the language, and presents its capabilities & features
JavaScript Reference The entire JavaScript language described in detail
Introduction to JavaScript Introduces JavaScript and discusses some of its fundamental concepts
JavaScript Tutorial A re-introduction. JavaScript is often derided as being a toy, but beneath its simplicity, powerful language features await.
JavaScript 1.7 The JavaScript release upon which Memento is currently based
About JavaScript Jumping off point in learning about JavaScript